2020 was a challenging year for everyone. Some of you might find little to be thankful and grateful for with the global pandemic, social unrest and endless political banter.
We’ve overcome a mandated distance and separation like no other from friends and family. Some have experienced the loss of a family member or friend.
I pray we all find peace, continued love and support to those in need.
But as we close out the year, it’s always good to reflect and find things we should be grateful for to help us start 2021 with a positive mindset.
Here is my list of things I’m thankful for and grateful to have.
MY FAMILY – At the end of the day, worst comes to worst, I will always be grateful for them. Thankful for adding all the flavors in my life.
Take time to reach out to your loved ones. Go see them if possible. Call if you can’t. Drop them a message at the least. Check up on them.

NEVER STOP LEARNING – Every day you should be doing something to take you a step further to obtain your goals. Whether that be in your fitness, work, business, or personal life.
In the beginning of the pandemic, I was thankful to find time while on deployment to learn more about personal training business, real estate and overall mindset growth from reading books and going through courses. We all can come out of this with more knowledge on what we set out to do to help us accomplish our goals.
MY SAILORS – We started the New Year in another country, faced a global pandemic that ultimately changed our training and operations for the remainder of the deployment, yet you pushed forward and maintained your discipline, kept the battalion moving with medical and dental needs, with zero positive cases for COVID.
I cannot thank you enough for your work! It was a pleasure to be YOUR Chief!

MY CLIENTS – Thank you for trusting me with helping you obtain your health and fitness goals. I look forward to continuing in our work to be better versions of ourselves.

TO THE VETERANS AND ACTIVE DUTY ENTREPRENEURS – I am thankful and humbled for the time you set aside to share your story on our TOP 25 RATED podcast, Brave and Faithful.
To the listeners, I hope you’ve gained some knowledge bombs, added more tools to the toolbox and gain more tips that will help you with whatever you set out to do, whether you are in the military or not.

THE CUSTOMERS – To those who purchased our products at Fortis Et Fidelis, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your contribution in helping us create our initial memorial coins to provide the families of the fallen service members!
We hope to have your continued support in our mission in 2021 and beyond!

YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR TRUE WEALTH – Take care of yourself so you can be of service to others. As this year has proven, if you didn’t think you could before, you don’t need a gym to workout, to lose weight, to get lean.
Find some time in your day to move! All you need is you and some space in your house to do the work. If you’re looking for some home workouts, let me know!

So as 2021 nears, let’s all take some time and reflect. Yes, it was a year we all might want to forget, but always remember the things we should be thankful and grateful for.
To your health,