Showing 24 Result(s)

I Didn’t Want A Family…

Well, at least not until I was in my mid 30s anyway. Being in the military, I saw many broken families due to the service, deployments and some really petty shit. My first 10 years were filled with deployment after deployment, being away from my own family and really no care in the world about …

A Guide to Rep Ranges…

How many reps should you do? “Rep” 👊🏽 stands for repetition in a given set. When deciding on how many reps to complete, first and foremost you must decide on what your goal for the workout is. Below is a quick intro on a group of rep ranges and what each represent. 1.Muscle Strength.🏋🏽‍♂️ If …

How To Track Your Progress

That which is measured gets improved. Here are 4️⃣ ways to keep track of your fitness progress. 1. WEEKLY Tape measurements at the same time. Recommend after waking up before eating breakfast and also suggesting every Friday before the weekend. Take a circumference measurement of the neck, shoulders, biceps, chest, waist, hips and thighs. 2. …

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