Have you ever set out for a goal only to fail in a few weeks, falling back into old habits?
Instead of having vague resolutions or goals, make sure you implement the SMART goal setting to create a steady trajectory towards a specific goal, like weight loss.
Sticking with your fitness, here is how to apply the SMART approach.
✔️ SPECIFIC. Is your goal to lose weight? More importantly, how many lbs, inches off your waist, and how much body fat?
✔️ MEASURABLE. Know your numbers by measuring your progress. Tape measure, body fat reader, weight scale.
✔️ ATTAINABLE. Only you know your limits. Know what you can and can’t do. Don’t be too extreme, but don’t aim too low either.
✔️ RELEVANT. Ensure your goal is relevant to you and where you are in your life. Don’t set a goal that someone else is pressuring you to achieve. Choose something that motivates you!
✔️ TIME BOUND. Having a deadline will motivate you to accomplish your goal. For weight loss, remember that 1-2 pounds of weight a week is a safe, efficient goal.
Now that you have a SMART approach to accomplish your fitness goal, make sure to write it down, read it every day and place it somewhere it can be easily seen.