A Deployment like no other.

I am on Deployment… a Unit Deployment Program (UDP).
This deployment is different from my previous four with the Marines.
There is no enemy to kill.
No high valued target to capture.
No raids to conduct.
No towns, entire cities to clear.
That was my deployment then.
This is my deployment now…
Leaving Camp without my flak and kevlar.
No Med bag to carry everywhere we go.
Because now, I’m free to go.
To come and go.
Venturing off away from Camp, without asking for permission to depart friendly lines.
Without having to check my six.
Without worrying about if my Vec would be next to hit that IED.
Without worrying if my next step would be my last.
That was my deployment then.
This is my deployment now…
Fortunate to see more of the beauty this world has to offer.
My bro’s…
Man I wish you guys could be with us now.
Jeremy. Zach. Aaron…
Look at us now.

About Reden Dionisio

Helping you create meaningful impact through Intentional Leadership.
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